A feature spread about elevated lighting for the modern home.

A travel feature spread, with lots of copy, captions and imagery to fit in.
I had to focus on balance and there wasn't any real estate for negative space.

A home furnishings feature spread, another exercise in balance

This was a highly conceptual fashion spread featuring high heels. My task was to get all the pumps into the balloons, ensuring they were strung with fishing line so they could be hung independently within the ballon once it was inflated. Also had to source someone who could inflate the balloons quickly so they could get to the studio before getting chalky. Also designed the layout.

Ian Stone is a former Marine who created The Bachelor's Kitchen, teaching and inspiring men to cook. We came up with a concept of how his spices could be strapped to his body like an ammunition belt to tie the cooking in with his Marine background. I designed and fabricated the spice ammo belt and armed it with my collection of spices.

Shooting Beau MacMillan at Sanctuary, with his favorite ingredient. We got a samurai sword for the shoot, and played off Iron Chef.

We built this cake for a photoshoot to represent a low budget option, vs an image of a fancy expensive wedding cake.